Fur Baby Hotel

Proud to offer one of a kind services for our guests!

Please see our Requirements before booking.


No pickup or drop off on Sunday

Reserve your

Options and Amenities

MINI Suites

For guests wishing to have a quieter stay, we offer 6 privately enclosed suites. These rooms are located in a separate area away from the main hotel room, offering relaxing aroma therapy & overnight music. Each guest will also receive a calming treat at bedtime.



These rooms allow your Fur Baby to stand up and move around comfortably. Good for Small & Medium sized guests. 


This room is perfect for larger breeds, multiple guests, or just 1 very lucky Fur Baby! All suites include our signature tuck-in service with Bedtime Bone & individual one on one attention.

All pricing includes full day of group daycare.

Feline Suites

This suite is perfect for larger breeds, multiple guests, or just 1 very lucky Fur Baby! These themed suites includes a private window overlooking our boutique and a glass door with mood lighting.

Critter Condos

Private connecting rooms with multiple levels. These condos offer privacy, look out windows, areas to climb and ways to explore and keep your small critter entertained!

Kitchen Services

We include up to 3 meals per day of the food you provide. Add to your vacation with items from our gourmet menu. Please inquire for our chef to create your custom dining plan and pricing.


We are able to continue your Fur Baby’s health routine, including the administration of vet prescribed and over the counter medicine in liquid, pill, or topical forms. At this time we do not administer injections.

Tuck-In Service

Our signature Tuck-in Service includes a gourmet Bedtime Bone and one on one attention from our team of dedicated pet care professionals. There are many ways to enhance their bedtime, such as our bed time stories, cuddle time, brushing and massage! Let us know what your Fur Baby loves and we’d be happy to help you create a custom tuck-in service during their stay!

First Time?

Feline Boarding

Feline Boarding: We require proof of current Rabies and Distemper.

We will provide the litter box and bowls. Parents provide their usual litter and food. Clean toys, bedding, treats are optional.
